A Guide to Good Health

Are You Battling Bipolar Disorder?

Answering an insightful checklist might reveal that you have a mental illness that is called bipolar disorder. The checklist falls under two categories, a manic list and a depressive category. Read on to see if you see yourself as you read the descriptions. That will also help you to see if you need to seek the help of a psychiatrist.

1. Manic State

During the manic state, you might feel like a superhero. Pay attention to the following signs you're experiencing a manic state:

2. Depressive State

During the depressive state, you might feel like there's a black cloud over your head all the time. Some signs of a depressive state include:

If you have decided that you are a person with bipolar disorder, don't try to carry this burden by yourself. Instead, seek help from a psychiatrist. They will have the training and the experience to help you back to a normal life. 

3. Treating and Addressing Bipolar Disorder

Your family practice doctor can give you the name of reputable psychiatrists. During your first visit with the psychiatrist, you will be answering many questions that relate to your health and your family's health. For instance, the doctor will want to know if either of your parents or anybody else in your family has or had a mental illness. Other questions will relate to your present lifestyle. For instance, if you are addicted to drugs, it will be very important for the doctor to know that. If you have feelings of taking your own life, obviously, that is something very important for the psychiatrist to know.

It is more than likely that you will be prescribed medications that will make a huge difference in your life. If the doctor feels that you are not going to take the medications consistently, they might prescribe an injection that you will be given every three to four weeks. 

The psychiatrist will also set up consultations for you to meet with a psychologist who will be trained to help you with your everyday problems. Between the psychiatrist and the psychologist, you can have the peace of mind that you will get much better and that you can get back to normal living.