It is important to make sure to remember that even if you have a few symptoms of colon cancer, there is a chance that they are related to something completely different. However, if you do have the following symptoms, you will want to make sure to make an appointment with your gastrointestinal doctor as soon as possible. This way, no matter what the cause turns out to be, you can get to the bottom of it quickly. When cancer is detected quickly, there is usually a better chance of it being easier to treat.
A Long-Standing Change In Your Bowel Habits
A lot of people will experience changes in their bowel habits from time to time. This can occur because of sickness, food sensitivities, and many other things. When it is a normal change in bowel habits, it usually only lasts for a few days. If you are experiencing something extremely serious, such as colon cancer, you will find that the changes in your bowel habits will be ongoing, lasting weeks or months.
There Is Blood In Your Stool
Blood in your stool is something that you always want to bring to the attention of your doctor. If the blood is bright in color, then the cause of the blood is more towards the end of your colon and it could be something as simple as hemorrhoids. However, do not simply assume that bright red blood cannot possibly be colon cancer because colon cancer could be located anywhere in the colon. It is best to get the problem checked out. This would allow your doctors to begin quickly treating your colon cancer or if it does turn out that it is just hemorrhoids, your doctor can set up a treatment plan for that.
Weight Loss That You Can't Explain
If you have noticed sudden weight loss and you have not changed your diet or have been actively trying to lose weight, you may have a serious medical condition, such as cancer. When sudden weight loss is combined with other symptoms, such as blood in your stool and a vast change in your bowel habits, you need to contact your doctor about colon cancer screening.
Should you find yourself experiencing any of the previously mentioned symptoms or anything else that is giving you cause for concern, you will want to quickly schedule an appointment with your primary doctor or your gastrointestinal doctor.
For more information about colon cancer, contact a local medical professional.