A Guide to Good Health

How To Take Care Of Your Hearing Aid

Hearing aids are wonderful tools for anyone who is hard of hearing. Hearing aids fit neatly in your ears and electronically amplify the sounds that enter your ear canal. A hearing aid can enable you to feel more connected to the people around you by getting involved with conversations. Hearing aids can be expensive, so it's important that you protect your investment. Here are four tips that will help you take good care of your hearing aid:

1. Take your hearing aid off at night.

Taking care of your medical device might be the last thing you want to do late at night, but it's important you take your hearing aid off before you go to bed. Falling asleep with your hearing aid in your ear can damage the hearing aid. It might also hurt your ear. Place your hearing aid back in its case each night so that it will be ready to use in the morning. Some people store their hearing aid in a container with a desiccant to keep moisture out of it overnight.

2. Keep your hearing aid dry.

Hearing aids are sensitive electronic devices that need to be kept away from liquid. Humid environments can pose a problem for hearing aids due to the high moisture content in the air. You can combat this by investing in a dehumidifier for your home. You should also wipe your hearing aid thoroughly with a dry cloth at least once a day. This will dry off any dampness and promote good function.

3. Clean your hearing aid.

Since hearing aids are worn in the ear canal, they can become clogged with earwax over time. Keep your hearing aid clean by carefully removing any visible earwax from its surface. You can wipe away most earwax with a tissue or paper towel, but you may need to use a cotton bud to clean any small crevices. Never submerge your hearing aid in water during the cleaning process.

4. Have your hearing aid professionally serviced.

Taking care of your hearing aid at home is very important, but you should also get your hearing aid routinely serviced by a professional. When hearing aids begin to run low on battery power, their functionality can suffer. A hearing aid maintenance service can test your hearing aid's battery and replace it if necessary. A maintenance service can take your hearing aid apart and thoroughly clean its internal surfaces. Timely maintenance service can prevent malfunctions that would require costly repairs.